Lafayette Office ReOpening Fall 2021

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*New Lafayette Office Open September 1st!*

We are so excited to announce the opening of our new Lafayette office at 1300 Plaza Court North Suite 202. (Yes! This is next door to our May/June office!) Visit us in this serene space every Tuesday to work with our newest (and most experienced) massage therapist Shelly for all your prenatal, postnatal, and everyBody massage needs. Please note, this is a second-story office up a flight of stairs. If stairs are a challenge for you please continue to schedule at the Boulder office or for in-home massage.


Meet Shelly

With over twenty years of experience as a massage therapist, Shelly weaves together a blend of modalities that feel best-suited to her clients and their needs in that particular session - with the ultimate goal of deep relaxation and decreased discomfort. Shelly is a Certified Pre and Postnatal Massage Therapist and is Certified in Manual Lymph Drainage.

Shelly is available for new and returning clients Tuesdays in Lafayette and on Wednesdays and Fridays for in-home massage. You may recognize Shelly as the woman-behind-the-emails and she will continue to be our administrative support for which we are so grateful!


Baby Update

Faith is now 33 weeks pregnant and continuing her sabbatical leading up to birth. She has been LOVING receiving prenatal massage and is delighted that all the benefits she has shared with clients for years are true for her too.

"after massages I get a better night's sleep, feel a sense of love and well-being that helps me connect deeper to baby, and any aches and strains are relieved! It's such a gift to have an amazing team of bodyworkers."


Schedule Your Session

We continue to do our best to meet clients' needs for massage, but it’s been busy recently! Please plan ahead for your sessions, cancel or change appointments at least 48 hours in advance, and utilize the online waitlist when the calendar is looking full. Our goal is for you to receive the best bodywork we have to offer.


COVID 19 Precautions

All clients and therapists (vaccinated and unvaccinated) will continue to wear masks during sessions both at home and in the office. Please cancel your appointment anytime you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness or have had a meaningful exposure to someone who is positive for COVID-19. Read more…


Quad Stretch for Hiking

Mid-hike or before you head home try this simple quad stretch. Stand on the left leg and balance or hold onto a tree, rock, or the car for extra support. Bend the right knee until you can hold the ankle in your right hand (or a strap if the ankle and hand don't meet). Make sure the knee is under the hip and in line with the opposite knee. Stand up as straight as possible and hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat on your second side.


Fall 2021 Calendar

Sun- Jeanne and Caitlin in Boulder
Mon- Jeanne: Boulder; Caitlin: in home
Tues - Shelly: Lafayette; Jeanne: home
Wed- Jeanne: Boulder; Shelly in home
Thurs - Jeanne in Boulder
Friday - Shelly in home
Saturday - day of rest :)


6 Postpartum Essentials to Truly Heal


Growing Into Summer