Faith Davis Faith Davis

The Master Cleanse

The master cleanse, is a diet of only liquid with all of your calories coming from a drink consisting of lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne, and water. …At this point you may be wondering the same questions I heard most often after doing a cleanse are: did you like it? would you do it again? did you get the “high” everyone talks about? Mostly, Probably, and No.

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COVID-19 Faith Davis COVID-19 Faith Davis

COVID-19 Update: Office Will Re-Open Mid-May

During the Safer-at-Home period from May 9th until at least May 26th we are open and will slowly start seeing clients again. In order to open in the safest way, the state and county health departments have created regulations that individual industries must follow. We are complying with all these regulations and in some cases, going beyond to more stringent protocols.First and foremost we want to acknowledge: 

It’s OK to be ready to schedule massage
AND it’s OK to not be ready to schedule massage.
We will like you just the same!

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COVID-19 Faith Davis COVID-19 Faith Davis

Massage Suspended Until April 30th. Remote Sessions Available.

This week has been heavy and challenging for so many as services we deem essential, but are not life-saving, close to the public to keep our community safe. The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies has asked massage based businesses (this is us!) to close until at least April 30th. Massages scheduled between now and April 30th will be canceled. We look forward to rescheduling for after May 1st via email, text, or phone call. Online scheduling is currently only available for remote sessions.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Dear Mom, Thank You

Thank you for all the caring.

Thank you for being enough even on the days when nothing feels like enough.

Thank you for doing your best.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

5 yoga poses for your long travel days

I am referring to the TRAVEL time of year. Whether you are flying home to see family, driving to the mountains for snow sports, or taking a vacation somewhere tropical, winter in America often involves some amount of sitting on buses, trains, planes, or in cars. On a recent visit to see my family I remembered just how sitting on planes and buses for an extended period of time made my body feel and I didn’t like it- neck kinks, shoulder tension, back pain. Let’s face it, how many of us can sit truly comfortably in an airplane seat?

So what to do? Try out some layover yoga.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

High Tech Distractions

You are checking emails on your phone in a spare five moments (or while waiting in line/ at a stoplight) and as you’re reading email you receive a phone call. You answer the call and less than a minute into the call you receive a text message or two and an alert from Facebook. Does this sound familiar? It sounds all too familiar to me and I don’t even consider myself to be a tech-savvy person.

I ask you to reconsider what it is like to be totally present with the people you are with instead of trying to plan, text, and enjoy dinner with friends all at once. If it feels too intimidating (or simply unrealistic) to completely abandon your phone here are a few suggestions for starting simple:

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Time Magazine’s Science Behind Stress and Pregnancy

New and continuing research is showing that a woman’s health and state of mind during pregnancy may have much to do with both their child’s health as a baby and perhaps even into adulthood and old age. This is the science of fetal origin.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

A Month of Meditation

While I was expecting my personal practice to slow down, I really did not want to lose it all together within the first 2 months. So, I decided to commit to 30 minutes a day of seated meditation practice for 30 days.

Before starting, I realized that with such a private practice I needed someone else to hold me accountable. So, like Julie in Julie & Julia, I decided to hold myself accountable through a blog.

This blog falls halfway through the 30 days and I want to share with you that I have discovered (once again) that I am completely and utterly human.

AND I’ve learned a few good lessons along the way

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Yoga in Times Square

I have recently been living in the “Where’s Waldo” version on my life. In the past three months I have moved back to Boulder, travelled to seven states for both work and play, completed my first 200 hours of yoga certification, and visited with countless friends and family. It has been a true whirl-wind and it’s not over yet! My travels have presented me with a variety of rich experiences, but there is one in particular that I want to share here: Solstice in Time Square.

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